"Sleepy" Mr. Alligator   6 Komentarzy


Posted 3 Maj 2016 by andipab in close-up, Faun, Nature, OMD, ZOO

6 responses to “"Sleepy" Mr. Alligator

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  1. śliczniusie oczęta…

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  2. And a superb abstract

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  3. Thanks :)


  4. Great capture!

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  5. Meeting with him in the wild will certainly not be to pleasure

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  6. Looks like if he was camouflaged in with rocky, sandy soil you could step on him and get a bad surprise!

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

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